National Marriage Week

National Marriage Week seeks to work with, connect, and unite:
Church Leaders
Content Leaders
Community Leaders
Policy and Research Leaders
and Couples
Taking place from February 7th to February 14th every year, National Marriage Week coincides with the week leading up to Valentine’s Day, making it the perfect time to celebrate the joys and virtues that marriage brings into our lives.

As we move forward, we recognize and remember the purpose of National Marriage Week, which is to bring people and organizations together, with the focus of celebrating marriage intentionally each year from Feb 7th to the 14th. Even though each year's launch and focus rises during that one key week; our messaging and our desire to strengthen and enrich marriages, will be all year long.
Families flourish when mom and dad have a strong, healthy marriage. A strong marriage makes for a strong family. And a strong family makes a strong community. Together, as a collaborative effort with government entities, churches, organizations, and individuals - we can prioritize the priceless value of marriage, and help our nation (and more importantly, our families) flourish.
National Marriage Week has now spread to at least 20 countries. Visit www.marriage-weekinternational.com to learn more.

We believe and feel that if we come alongside each other, collaborate, and champion each other, the outcome will be greater.