Discovering the Needs of Marriage Leaders
In 2013, our founder sat down with a prominent marriage author, an award winning leader whose resources had positively impacted several thousand marriages. During that conversation, they celebrated the unique insight that God had given this author to impact marriages. And then in a surprising turn of conversation, that same leader lamented how difficult it was to connect with church and community leaders who were on the front lines in cities around the country.
There was an incredible need for connection - to find a way for leaders to connect with others who were also serving marriages in churches and communities around the country.
Since the summer of 2020, we’ve built a talented team of individuals whose mission is to serve the amazing people who create books and resources for marriage. To date, we have compiled a list of over 400 authors and content creators and interviewed 120 of these amazing people for our Up Close & Personal Interview Series. Our interviews are designed to give church leaders an “Up Close and Personal” look into the lives and ministries of these marriage champions. All of our content is structured to help church leaders make effective and expeditious decisions on speakers for events, resources for couples, and curriculum for groups.
And God is moving through this growing movement of marriage authors, speakers and leaders who are helping one another, sharing ideas, and encouraging us collectively onward. We want to serve this movement and we are calling this emerging collaboration …the Marriage Leader Network.
We believe in you! We are inspired by your work. We see God moving through your unique skills and abilities. And we want to help you reach more couples!
We are grateful for you! Thank you for being a part of this vibrant, emerging group of individuals, organizations and movement leaders who seek to encourage, support and nurture marriages with resources and spirited collaboration.
Whether you’re just beginning your journey or have been sharing wisdom for decades…
the Marriage Leader Network hopes to bring increased visibility to your work for greater impact. We also hope to be a bridge of connection for you with other leaders, churches, organizations, and communities.
We understand...
there are many obstacles and challenges in your work and we believe that in the Kingdom of God, everyone's need is met by the strength of another.
We are so inspired by your creativity, talent and faithfulness, and we desire to serve you with generosity and joy!

If you serve marriages as a marriage author, speaker, or influencer and would like to talk with us more about our Marriage Leader Network - please reach out to us!

Up Close & Personal:
An Interview Series with Marriage Leaders
We bring you National Marriage Leaders, such as Gary Thomas, Jim Burns, and Shaunti Feldhahn; who share their thoughts on everything from intimacy, conflict, communication, infidelity, and so much more.
These videos provide valuable resources for every marriage relationship!